Eastern Bloc Party: Wine Awesomeness Crew Review

“Communism’s Best Kept Secret” -The WA Crew

Another awesome subscription box I’ve had the pleasure of receiving is called the Wine Awesomeness Crew. The name speaks for itself: they really are awesome and so is wine. They pair up wines with cool adventures, offering themed boxes like California Road Trip and South African Journey. I received the box called Eastern Bloc Party.

I‘m a huge fan of wine brought from the far-reaches of the globe. I’ve carried wine in my backpack around Europe for day just to bring it home to my collection. I have bottles from Stonehenge in England, a small terrace vineyard in Cinque Terre, Italy, and a couple of bottles from Moravia in the Czech Republic.


They call it the wine you don’t see every day, but you’ll want to drink every day. So far I agree.

Eastern Bloc Party

Here’s what was in my box, Eastern Bloc Party:

1. 2013 Santomas Refošk


This wine is from Štajerska, Slovenia. This is a peppery red wine that isn’t too sweet. They say drinking it cool is the best way to taste this red wine.

2. 2013 Črnko Jaerninčan


This wine is also from Štajerska, Slovenia. It’s a blend of Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay and Yellow Muscat. Perfect for summertime.

3. 2012 Dingač Vinarija Plavac


This wine is from Pelješac Peninsula, Croatia.  It’s a light-bodied cousin of Zinfandel without the sweetness.

The other thing I’m enjoying about Wine Awesomeness is their emails. I don’t love being on new email lists because I receive hundreds of emails a day, but this one is always interesting and fun. They offer tips and tricks to start parties, enjoy wine and they clear up terms novices don’t know in the world of viticulture.


“When the so-called Iron Curtain fell, people started to realize that some damn good wines has been hiding behind it…we are happy that the cookie of history has crumbled in such a way that these wines have finally made their way West, where we can drink them all night and day!” -WA Wine Crew

Bring it on Wine Awesomeness!

 Photos: Elizabeth Adan

AB circleBy Elizabeth Adan

Elizabeth Adan is a Freelance Writer, Publicist and Brand Ambassador. Her blog Aquaberry Bliss is a unique outdoor lifestyle blog dedicated to expanding your world and inspiring your creativity. When Elizabeth isn’t traveling, you’ll find her writing, hiking or gardening. Find Elizabeth on Twitter @stillaporcupine and on LinkedIn.

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2 thoughts on “Eastern Bloc Party: Wine Awesomeness Crew Review

  1. It’s so exciting trying wines from different countries. I just bought some Macedonian wines at a wine and cheese festival. Can’t wait to drink them.


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